Derp Taggz Graff Life

Monday, July 15, 2024

Artist Interview with Dregs One



1. What do you write and where are you from?

I write Dregs One and I was born and raised in San Francisco, CA.
2. How long have you been in the graff game and have you always written the same name?

I caught my first tags in 2001. From then until about 2010 I went through several different names but DREGS is the one that stuck. Even people who didn't write started calling me by that name so I just kept rocking with it and transitioned it to my stage name.
3. Does your name have a special significance for you? Or has doing graffiti changed your life in significant ways?

No, the name doesn't have much significance for me. I saw it in the introduction of "Scarface" and just thought it sounded cool. Regretfully I later discovered that the word doesn't have the most flattering definition. I flipped it to mean that the dregs of society is who I represent for, but I don't really run with that much. I wish I would have picked something a little more fly, meaningful or appealing, but like I said the name has stuck and I don't know what I'd change it to at this point. I do still really like the letters, though.
4. Who were some of your main influences on your art when you were coming up as a kid?

In the early 90s comics and cartoons were on another level. I was a fiend for Marvel comics like X-Men and Spider-Man. And independent comics like Bone, the Maxx, Spawn, Sam and Max, Zen the Intergalactic Ninja. They used to have Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation in San Francisco and that's where I saw Ren and Stimpy for the first time. Those weird, exaggerated styles went hand-in-hand with the graffiti I was seeing by guys like TWIST, DUG, and GIANT.
5. Who are some of your favorite artists that are still running in the Bay Area today in 2024? Do you get as many chances to paint nowadays that you’re growing up and getting more busy with life?

I think Bay Area graffiti has exploded since the Plandemic and I love it. There are writers getting busy on every level, from cutty tags to high-visibility burners. I think CAMEL is on a legendary run right now. FELLS is sick too. I enjoy seeing pieces and throwies by guys like TONE, BMAC, PACE, POST, MACRO. I still see tags by cutty OGs like TRACK and NEWS. And I gotta shout out my man SOBER who's still out there getting up and definitely went all-city a few times. Also shoutout to everyone killing it in Oakland like WIRE and COWER. 

Unfortunately I rarely get up these days. I am a full-time creative with multiple sources of income that all demand my constant attention. It's very difficult to find time for things that don't pay the bills, other than my family and self-care. Fortunately I do get paid to paint or do other art projects, so I still get to practice my craft but it's not the same as painting for the love. If I go out and do something, I like to make it a full production- burner, background, characters, etc. That's usually an all-day thing which I rarely have time for. I think that's just part of getting older, although there are plenty of guys my age or above who still get up on the regular- I hella respect that. One time CRAYONE told me he's been painting since 1983, and some years he rarely gets up, other years he crushes, but either way he still stays in the game. I like that approach, and as long as I get to paint a couple times a year or so, I'm still in it. I'll never quit entirely. 

6. Do you have a favorite graffiti story or epic bombing hype that will always stick in your mind? 

There are so many. Most of them are mainey and not the best endings. But also some that were the most fun times in my life- hanging out with friends all night and exploring the city when no one else was on the street. Other than that I've dealt with just about everything- falls, fights, gangsters, dealers, cops, getaways, arrests, parties, chicks, creeps, fiends. Some nights I would sneak out of the house and walk around all night by myself tagging, then go to school just to catch up on sleep in class. You get so used to seeing crazy shit all the time that after a while it just becomes desensitizing and normal. It's hard to pick a favorite.
7. What is your opinion on people who disagree with legal walls and street art as not being “real graffiti?” Do you consider it to be graffiti?

You can put graffiti letters and styles on a legal wall. But technically a legal wall cannot be graffiti, and I don't necessarily think graffiti should be legalized- I do think it should be decriminalized to some extent. Sitting in jail or prison for painting doesn't benefit anyone. I'm really interested in the question of how something can be public property if it doesn't allow space for public art. But if graffiti was completely legal then it would lose its essence. The idea of resisting authority and totalitarian control is important to me, even if it's in the form of a small marker tag. Some guys are into graffiti just for the sake of vandalism, which I understand and respect for what it is. But I think there's something deeper than that in graffiti- even if it's unintentional- that says I have the right to exist in a society that essentially tries to deny my existence. That's just the nerdy, philosophical, existential stuff I'm into now that I'm a grown ass man and not just some kid tagging on busses.  

These days I'm pretty much completely retired from illegal graffiti, which is a struggle for me because I constantly get the itch to catch cutty tags or even go out and bomb. But within the last 5 years or so, I kept getting signs that if I didn't stick to that decision, it would lead to consequences that I just can't afford at this stage in my life. It also came to my attention that because I was publicly known as a musician, local graffiti cops were keeping tabs on me. I'm pretty sure they would make an example of me if they wrapped me up. I've been caught as a juvenile and adult before, and it's wack.

Some haters have criticized me for only doing legal spots, and that's ok. Actually, a lot of the big productions I've had running for the last 8-10 years were done without permission- I just managed to pull them off in broad daylight and make them look like legals. I used to get a big kick out of that. But I got signs  from the universe that even that would catch up to me, so I just fell back. If someone disagrees with that approach, it's cool, that's their opinion. Once you reach a certain level of maturity and self-confidence, you realize you have to walk your own path and it's not necessarily going to look like everyone else's. Some cats get older and are still out there bombing and never stopped, which I certainly respect. A few of those types are able to balance illegal graff with grown-folk responsibilities, but I find that to be very rare. A lot of my graff OGs are teachers, business owners, or professional artists, with families. When you're in that position you have to make choices about what sacrifices you're willing to make. 
8. What advice would you give the kids who are just getting started in graffiti, kids in middle and high school right now who want to excel in the game?

Well, first off, as much as my inner-teenager hates to say it, I cannot in good faith encourage any kid to get into graffiti. I won't say that graffiti is bad, but it comes with some pretty fucked-up consequences. So, if you are going to get in it, be prepared for those consequences because it's almost unheard of to get into this lifestyle and come out unscathed. That being said, for me it's the art and culture that connected me to graffiti, and I would prioritize that over everything. Get really good at your craft and learn the styles and techniques. Like any creative pursuit, practice everyday- even if it's just for 15 minutes. Put your ideas on paper and then bring them to the wall. That practice and dedication will build your confidence, which will enhance your abilities. Even if you're beefing and battling, getting wrapped up in the courts, or risking your life, safety, and freedom, if you dedicate the time to become dope, that will take you to places beyond graffiti. 

Also, while the culture celebrates writers who get up the most and who have the best styles, I find the most important writers in the history books are the ones who give back to the culture. You'll make a bigger mark as a writer if you establish the reputation of being a solid individual.  
9. Why do you paint? Have there been different reasons over the years?

When I first started tagging it was a cultural rite of passage that most teenagers in San Francisco go through. It was a way to participate in the urban subculture that was very alluring to me as a youth, and it led me to a community where I met some of my greatest friends to this day. I used it as an outlet to deal with the typical teenage stress of family issues, unfulfilling public schools, and social alienation. When I became an adult and got into piecing, I started challenging myself to push past the limits of what I thought I could accomplish - dope letters, complex color schemes, advanced paint techniques, characters, portraits, background scenes, etc. I also felt rewarded by beautifying the neighborhoods and creating art for the community to see. Nowadays I mostly just do it to stay consistent and true to this practice that's been with me for over 20 years. It's a creative outlet to ease my mind and meditate- I love that feeling of concentration when you're outdoors in the busy city and the only thing you're focused on is the paint coming out of the can and hitting the wall. 

 10. Could you tell the readers a bit about your podcast as well as give any shoutouts to whomever or plug any of your upcoming projects?
History of the Bay Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple and all other podcast platforms. The goal is to create a diverse archive of stories from the Bay, mostly focusing on hip hop and graffiti but also touching on skating, fashion, journalism, activism, and pretty much everything else that makes this place so dope.

We got some big events coming up around the podcast plus I'm always working on music and other creative projects. Check out all my releases under Dregs One on all streaming platforms.

 Shoutout to my folks INER, EARSO, DZYER, SPIE, BLURM, SKEW, CEAVER, TOPR, GUS, and all the other writers I ever kicked it with. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

Artist Interview with Sielo DTC

1.What is your graff name and how did you come up with that name?

my name is Sielo , it originally came from a nickname my Granny used to call me “mi cielo or cielito “ which's mean my sky or my heaven in Spanish I just switched it up a bit cause I like the flow of an S better.

2. Where are you from?

born and raised in San Jo 

3. What is one of the most epic bombing stories from your graffiti career

I once painted this truck with the homie Difer from Lords and Violet, got to like our fill in but Police caught us slipping. I booked it and forgot my phone in the car we came in. Ended up having to walk to public transit about 15 miles and wait for the trains to start running at 6am. Only to find out later the cop let them go cause the truck owner didn’t wanna press charges lol. Apparently since we filled white over black tags that were on the truck already the truck owner considered it us buffing the truck for them.

4. What, if anything, is different about the graft scene from when you first started bombing?

Definitely a lot easier to paint now ,like I been writing since 2006. When I started San Jose and SF weren’t even partially as grilled as they are today because they both had a task force, Oakland def didn’t get hit the way it does now but I remember Veks and Diar being up during that time in Oakland and kinda setting shit off that might me being bias tho lol. Girafa was one of the few during that era getting spots but after he got caught shit kinda died down until Oakland popped off which was like a graffiti vacation for us. SF got lit after the techies started to move out post covid and less people will call the cops on grafff when there’s a dude on fent overdosing.

 5. What advice would you give to graffiti artists who are just starting out? Sketch sketch sketch 

like you need to have your  tags and your throw ups so down that you can do them blindfolded, it also helps you paint faster, like it trips me out when I see how slow some people paint lol.

6. Who have been your main influences over the years as far as your graffiti art?

Diar influenced me to bomb different like hitting straights were foos are doing throw ups cause he painted fast, Puzl def another big influence his throw ups were always dope af, and Twist for his hand styles but shout out to Buens from San Jo he kinda gamed me up in the black books. 
Dtc kyt twb have always been major influence because I saw graffiti as something bigger than just bombing your home city , get up and travel or hit trains and see your name travel all while
Being original af. 

7. Where do you land in the debate between illegal bombing and permissio walls? If you have an opinion at all?

I think graffiti is meant to be illegal , I think everything else is kinda like watered down because I’m literally risking everything for my name when it’s illegal, however I don’t mind legal walls because sometimes you just wanna paint something pretty or practice. I just hate when permission  wall writers try to speak for graffiti like bro if you ain’t bombín shut the fuck up with that art isn’t a crime bullshit.

8. Are there any crews or homies you want to shout out? 
Shout out to big bro Chris , Benny Diar and the rest of my Clout fam. 

Interview by Skaz One please follow our blog and follow @derp_taggz3 on Instagram to support the fight against my accounts being removed for no reason or possibly specific discrimination. Thanks to Sielo for the interview and anyone who reads it!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Artist interview with Bazooka77


 1. Usually I start by asking someone what they write, but you’ve mainly been filming the graffiti scene, am I right?

I go by bazookafilms77 and yes I only film the graffiti scene. 

2. Where are you from? When did you originally get into graffiti?

I was born and raised in Chicago but now live in Oakland. I was introduced to graffiti in Chicago through the gang things you would see in the area. But as far as doing a graff video it was a writer from Texas who had asked me to film him because at the time I was only doing music videos once he asked like I've always been a nerd to my craft I remember searching graff videos and honestly seeing the Ironlak videos is what blow my mind and knew then that I wanted to adventure more. 
3. Your videos are pretty iconic in the community, how does that make you feel? Did you expect this much support?
I'm honored that people feel that way but honestly I always think that people don't see my work like that so when I get comments about my work it surprises me but always grateful to hear how people feel. I would say that my only exception was that I just wanted to make sure that I can make an impact through my film's. In working and doing the best that I can, that's why I feel that the support that I've gotten is because of what I've shown through my dedication to this culture. 

4. Do you have a favorite story from any of your graffiti adventures? 
One of my favorite adventures was my first metro mission with my crewmates ANTE & HEKS back home in Chicago. I remember how nervous I was because of the whole third rail thing. But at the same time excited because of the adventure with 2 people I love like family. I think what hit me the most about this adventure was standing next to the train alone at some point as I walked away to take flicks and what made it special was remembering how this train took us away for a bit from the things I grew up with in Chicago and the family adventures as well it was a deeper thing then just graffiti on this mission for me.  
5. As far as film goes, were you always adept as a videographer? Or did you learn by filming graffiti? How have you developed your craft over the years?
Yes, prior to making graff films I was making music videos. But I feel overall that graff really open my doors more to improve a lot in my craft, one example before all these fancy cameras it was hard for me to get nighttime action shots omg it sucked lol. But I kept looking up methods of shooting at night. I practice a lot and I also started getting more of an understanding of motion. This is just an example of what I did to get better at shooting at night but I also study lots of film to make those adaptations for my films. 

6. Who are some of your influences? Are there certain directors or artists that have inspired you a lot along the way?
Some my influences besides artists have been people who've made an impact on me like ma my crewmate HEKS, SKOMP my students my community my family these things fuel me they help me to create they help me tell my story but as far as directors Orson Welles Spike Jonze Micheal Gondry George Lucas these directors for sure influenced me alot in how I approached film. 

7. What advice would you give to young artists who are just starting out?
Advice: don't rush, enjoy learning, grow and find what fuels you. Show respect for yourself and others honestly, have fun and see how you can be you in a sea of many.  

8. You’ve filmed some pretty influential names, how has that experience been for you? What’s it like to meet and work with so many talented artists?

It's been an honor to work with such amazing artists and truthly I'm grateful because I'm not famous or anything. To have had so many opportunities to work with such talented artists it means so much that I've gotten to have this experience.  
9. Are there any upcoming projects that you have in the works? Is there anything you want to plug or anyone you want to give a shout-out to? 
Yes, I'm going to be dropping a film with CENO & Spraydaily. I would love to give a big shout out to my MA, my crews AIR & ST6, my students and my community The fam at WRBT. And definitely a shout out to 14th Street Supply.

Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoyed the interview with BAZOOKA77!! Check out more videos on youtube at and on Instagram as well!! Also be sure to follow @Derp_Taggz2 remember our original account was removed from IG likely due to haters! But we do not give up! Sty tuned for more documentation of the Graffiti Culture in the Bay Area, CA!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Artist Interview With Micro


1. What do you write, where are you from and how long you been in the game?

I write Micro sometimes with an E at the end. originally from mexico but grew up in hayward since inwas around 9-10 yrs old. Started writing in 2010, I was hitting shit tough 'til about 2012 then from like 2013-2017 i would just paint a few times a year. Started writing heavy again around 2019 when I moved to Oakland.

2. How did you get your name? Did you have other names before?

I wrote Ezi for the first couple months of my graff career then they gave me the name micro. They called me micro because I would always be the youngest one in the crew. I was like 15-16 yrs old everyone else was in their 20s.

3. What’s your favorite part of doing graffiti? Why is it an art form that speaks to you?

Kinda deep, I'd rather not speak on it too detailed, but I can say it makes me feel better about myself.

4. Do you have any epic bombing stories you want to tell us?

I've have interesting stories but I dont think any of them are worth calling epic lol

5. What kinds of changes have you seen over your time doing graff? In the scene?

I've noticed these new after Covid [19] writers don't be having OGs to show them 'bout the graff game and graff rules and it shows.

6. What advice would you give to young writers who are just starting out?

Make sure your life is straight before anything else, love those who love you, get a job, sell your drugs, scam or whatever you do but make sure you make your money first, take care of your family, and focus on making sure your life and future is straight. Graffiti is second! These walls aren't going anywhere, your life is passing right by you...

7. Do you have any other forms of art that you do as well? Have you ever had gallery shows or are you more so out here in these streets?

I also make rugs, canvases, custom art pieces, plywood cut outs, and whatever to be honest. Follow my art page @The8thday.Art on IG.

8. What part of the art form have you spent the most time on? Tags, throws, pieces or all of the above maybe? Do you have a favorite style?

Straights for sure, I wasn't allowed to do throws when I was starting off or I'd be kicked out the crew so I did straights for years

9. Are there any shout outs you wanna give or projects that you wanna plug?

I just want to shout myself out, I'm proud of myself. Not so sound selfish or cocky, I'm a humble person in my opinion, but I set goals and I've been reaching them  just want to congratulate myself one time.
As of projects, I have been practicing some new techniques of hitting heaven spots. Including rope climbing and rappelling, I got some dope ass spots I'm gon' paint in the upcoming months. 

As I told you, Derp Taggz is back! Our IG may have been pulled but nobody can stop the culture!!! I wanted to thank the readers and followers as we are back over 1k followers on IG and the support means a lot! I hope you enjoyed our artist profile of MICRO, stay tuned for more reviews, artist interviews and graffiti culture!

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Artist Interview with Deir One (GFC x CMF x IJS)



1. Where are you from and what do you write?

    Born and raised in Oakland, California. Deir One GFC, CMF, IJS. Specifically from the East but it’s love to the West and North.

2. How did you choose your name? Did you always have the same one? Or did your name find you as it does for many of us?
    Maaan, I been writing deir since like 2014. I been through another name I wrote from 2009-2014. If you know what I wrote, then you know. I aint tellin nobodyyy. Also I found the name by looking for something more indigenous or semetic. I wanted something that wasn’t an English word basically.

3. How long have u been writing and how has the scene progressed since you have been involved?
    Been writing since 09, kinda hinted at that in the last question. Really the big difference is there’s so many writers from out of town and so many toys nowadays. Back then there was just a local scene and we respected the town cuz we from here. Our OGs taught us hit the books first. We wasnt able to just do throws everywhere our OGs would clown us and all this shit wasn’t runnin'. I would say more shit is running, theres no more locals, and people put to much pride in these damn bubble letters (laughs).

4. How do you choose your color schemes? Do you have a favorite color combo?
    I like to stand out, I love golds, coppers, and chrome. I like shinin' I'm from the town foreal! Also I be using different colors to outline black and white is classic but I'm on a different typa time.

5. Who have been some of your biggest influences in graffiti?
    Biggest influences the OGs, My OGs are some of the originals. TMT, MBT, TDK, and BSK. On the style shit, I look up to Kufue, Vogue, Dream, Phresh, Poem, Chain3, Skeme, Slave, and my big brother Prize 6.. rest in paint.
    Back in the day comin' up it was KOD, TNS, BTW,640, NBS, D2M, and shit, our crew CMF. Wait nah TBS, NGH, them was the days when it was local niggas just tryna get up harder than each other. Crazy beef between CMF and BTW against AUK. If you know, you know.


6. Where’s your favorite place to paint? Do you like trains, day spots, street bombing etc? If you had to choose one what would it be?

    I love construction sites, fresh gates, and freeways. Also I like cutty spots and prime spots, like I'm hittin' spots by all the fast food joints. I don't really hit many spots in the hood. It's hella moms and pop shops “immigrants” and other local folks who got it out the mud and people just be etchin' the windows and shit. That's lowkey hatin,' folks swear they attackin' the system but the whole time they just in our neighborhoods terrorizin' shit take that shit to y'all cities, but y'all cant cause they be from the suburbs (laughs).

7. What lead you to become a graffiti writer? Do you have any epic stories from your days as a bomber that you could tell us?
    This Hip Hop shit in my blood for real. I used to write my name on the walls at my granny's house. Crazy story I'm with the homie, hit a fence on the 880. [The one] on Hegenberger, razor wire slices my hand, my bone was showin'. It took 39 stitches. We walkin' around Hegenberger with my hand leaking blood. Had to call moms, because we was on foot back then. Teenage shit too, just walkin' the whole town on foot at 14 years old and in 2009 around that time the town was more violent. I  don't know how we made it but we did. 
Runnin' from the police, “sex workers” pullin' up on us offerin' sevices. Me and my homies whoopin' on other writers. Hella shit. Town Shit!

8. What advice would you give to writers who are just starting out in graffiti?
    Practice, get you a solid tag and learn the streets. Get yo' styles right, because u can hit a million spots, but be weak. I only hit a few spots a night, but I think my shit stands out. It's why people notice me... Also don't post your face on IG. Stick to the weed, don't allow outta-towners to take yo' spots, get on yo' shit and be dedicated. 

9. Do you have any projects, gallery showings or anyone you want to shout out? Anything you want to plug?

    Man not really at the moment, I have my hands in other fields I'm more than just a tagger. So the other shit I do, real ones know. I want to say thanks for offering me this opportunity, I'm just grateful. GFC shit rest up to all our comrades. Oh yeah CMF might be one of the last town crews around right now all local cats too. We stood the test of time I 'member they hated on us.
    Kztom, Pops, Kork, Kufue, Arkoe, Cha2, Revo, Damnear, Yeet, Snuf. Can't think of eveybody else right now. Shout-out to the city too, I love Frisco!
Thanks for reading! Keep coming back as we are going to be having more artist interviews, new product reviews and more upcoming in 2022! Derp Taggz is back! Follow us on Instagram on our new account @Derp_Taggz2 since IG saw fit to pull down my old account. I think it was all haters trying to report the shit, but we wont ever stop! The graffiti scene at this historic time in Oakland needs to be remembered properly and through the eyes of those of us who are here. We will not be censored. Shout out to Deir for the dope interview, make sure and follow him on Instagram @burymyheartineso and thanks to y'all for supporting us here at Derp Taggz through the years!!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Artist Interview with Ether One

1. What do you write and where are you from?

 I write Ether Or Ether One, I was Born and raised in Hayward, Ca. Heart Of the Bay [Bay Area, CA] but have lived a bit of everywhere. 
2. Is there a story behind how you got your graffiti name? Did you have previous names?

I got the Name Ether From A Buddy Of Mine “Bids” who was Giving Me ideas for a name change  in 2002....I started My Graff Career In 2000 writing “Yobtaf” 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️ and Cut it short to “Taf” in 2001.....he tried to get me to write “Boil” cuz I was always a hot boy when painting but I wasn’t feeling it so he through out the Name Ether And it just stuck, I have OCD [Obsessive Compulsive Disorder] so the symmetry of the name worked in my favor 🤷🏽‍♂️ 

3. How long have you been doing graffiti and how has the scene changed over the time you've been involved?

I’ve been writing Since 1999 just fuck’n around writing “Recker” and using house paint in a tunnel near my house but really got into it 2000 so I base my career from there! A lot has changed since then some for the better and some for the worse but a lot of these writers come and go and have fall outs but the ones who can’t shake the urge or feeling and still are out there get’n it really have my respect ...the internet has helped with publicizing art and graff...but has taken away from the lifestyle in a way when you use to have to actually get off your ass and walk the tracks to see who’s up! 

4. Do you have any epic stories from being out painting that you could tell the readers?

Oh Man the epic stories go on for days so many close calls crazy nights and fun times I wouldn’t trade for the time in Oakland I was hittin' a fill in a freeway exit sign hanging off the bridge with a buddy of mine as a look out standing on the bridge when a cop stopped on the freeway and another one pulling up on the bridge. The cop down below hit the spot light and got out his car and yelled what are you doing up there dumbass, I through the can at him hopped up and we booked 'em the opposite way that  we parked the car....the police on top jumped out and the pursuit was on....we ran into the bushes and down to the side of the freeway hoping a fence with the officer right behind us....took one look and my boy and ran across the freeway stopping in the middle and laughing at the cop who refused to play frogger with us! We ran across the other side hit a fence and flipped 'em off literally jumping in our car while they stared from across 10 lanes! I’ll remember that for the rest of my life!

5. Who have been some of your main influences as far as style and people you have painted with? Do you have a favorite brand of paint you like to use?

Everyone’s a influence really I get ideas and inspiration from everywhere and to be honest I really haven’t painted with a lot of people I kinda do my own thing and just use graffiti as an output but definitely get a lot of push from those around me.

6. Are you in any crews or do you prefer to paint alone? If so, why do you like to aint solo and if not what do you like about being in a crew?

 I’m not in any crews I used to be In “DMA” witch stood for “Defeat My Alias” “Dark Missions Accomplished” or “Dirty Mans Art” but the crew fell off and people went there separate ways in 2004. After that I decided to write solo and do it for me which I definitely prefer these days. As for spray paint I will always be old school and use Rusto’s unless doing characters or crazy outline colors then I prefer Montana 94 in that case 

7. What advice would you give writers who are just starting out in graffiti? 

Just quit now 🤣🤣🤣 Jk Jk stick with one starts out amazing but if the passion is there don’t quit....there’s highs and lows to this game but it’s a great output opposed to other habits that can easily be a lot more destructive in life! 

8.What is your opinion on characters vs letters? Do you prefer one to the other when looking at the walls around town?

I definitely prefer Letters as they are classic to the graffiti name but characters give a lot of life to art and the letters if that makes sense....but after doing letters for so many years you want to add to your pieces and characters come into it....characters are one of my favorite things to do these days honestly....letters feel like a job sometimes and its just muscle memory at this point as characters get my brain running on how I can Incorporate 'em into my pieces! 

9. Who is doing it big in your area right now? Who have you seen consistently active lately? Any favorites? 

Some of my favorite artists are; Sugah of course ,Chek BMB, Plant Trees, Soak TIO, Revok MSK and Post VSOP. Chek has been active since I started my career and never slowed down and for that I tip my hat [to him]! 

10. Do you have any upcoming projects you want to plug or anybody that you want to give a shout out to?

I Don’t Really Have Any Big Projects coming up. Just a few Art shows and commissions I kinda just see a spot and if it talks to me it’s like I need to catch it.....I have been having some fun doing bigger pieces during the daytime and acting like it’s a legal wall witch is always fun and gives a lil adrenaline to veins which keeps me going! 

Stay tuned into the blog for more artist interviews, product reviews and all other aspects of graffiti culture. Make sure to go and follow Ether on instagram @thee_angler and be sure to follow us @derp_taggz and thank you for reading and for supporting the graffiti community! 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Artist Interview with Boper WKT UP
1. What do you write and where are you from?

I write Boper WKT UP, I’m from the V, Vallejo California! 707 North Bayer. The East Bay has definitely become like a second home for me though, I’m out there more than the North Bay it seems like these days.

2. How did you decide on a name to use for graffiti?

I’m super indecisive when it comes to just about anything. I didn’t really choose my name it was sort of given to me. Back in like 2008ish I was like 13 going through my rocker kid/skater phase and I was at a skatepark in Benicia Ca, this older dude comes up to me and tell me I look like a lil scenie bopper, like a scene kid. I told my older homegirls about it and they thought it was the cutest thing so the name sort of just stuck, when I started writing I said fuck it I’m Boper.

3. How long have you been doing graffitti and how has the scene changed since you began?

I’ve been doing graffiti on and off since 2008 just tagging on shit. I saw my older friends doing it and said fuck it I can do it just like them, I felt like I had something to prove. Started taking it more seriously around 2010-2014 actually going out with my big homies and spraying shit. I had a few people I know pass away during that time period and I wasn’t doing it for the love of art or even Graff. I just figured I wouldn’t live to long myself and wanted to get as up as I could so I’d always be there, my friends would always have me around. The love for graffiti and art came later. 

The scene between when I first painted Oakland/SF in 2013 or the Bay Area in general has without a doubt changed. For one everyone does it now, everybody’s a writer apparently (thanks ig). Before anyone with a big name were almost like these godly, legendary figures atleast to a kid like me. Now with social media you can reach out to anyone, your only a person or two away from knowing anybody, or trying to anyway. You have funk, hit em on ig, wanna dick ride, hit em on ig. Things were more mysterious before. Also then gentrification of SF that slowly spread throughout the East Bay, and is becoming more apparent in the North Bay everyday. The same people that will call the cops on you for spraying will cash out for a canvas from a street artist. There’s a lot of people wanting to cash in on the culture.

4. Is grafffiti the only art you do or do you also dabble in other mediums? If so which ones?

I’ll sometimes paint characters on canvas or something when I feel like I need to draw something besides letters for a while, I tried getting into photorealistic drawing a little bit and did a few things but letters, letters will always be my thing, my go to.
5. Who have been some of your main inspirations over the years as far as graffiti goes?

All my big homies first off. My boy use to write Lier, he was AMCK briefly and writes Dmoe now, taught me a lot of what I know, was one of the first guys to take me out to paint and influenced my styles probably more than anyone. My boys Bekue TFN WRC, Noner BTR. Hint (Rip) who was one of the nicest humblest guys I’ve met aside from Kava. Hint would always call and check in even though I honestly didn’t know him all that well, I met him through Naver and he’d always tell me just keep painting with the homies you’ll be crew in no time. Glad I was given the chance to make that a reality. My Crew, WKT! The AMC’s The UND’s, Keep in particular. TFN crew for sure, all of them. 

6. Who do you see out getting active in the bay right now? Who are some of your favorites?

It’s hard to choose especially with so many writers these days and so many people killin it. I can’t really speak on SF since I’m just starting to try and get my foot in the door in that scene. As far as Oakland to Sacramento, my boys Berg 45 and Gover off top, everywhere. Suenos, Steak, Thor, Ishue, Cumrag, Poplock, Cesoh, Baer & Gkode, Stax and Ion, Fells for sure, The homie Luni, Camel & Baby, you’ll catch Ceaver tags in every city. I can name names forever the list goes on and on, I’m a little biased because my crew will always be my favorite I think they all kill it and are forever my favorites, User, Shear, Enuf, Rukoe stay killin it and that just to name a few. 

7. Do you have any epic or crazy stories from doing graffiti that you want to tell us about?

The craziest can never be spoken on hahah. Some of the most epic I’d have to say are the chases whether your doing the dash on the cops or runnin down a hater. There’s one that will always stick with me. I was doing my first fill in ever by myself in Vallejo in some school on this fence, I’m thinkin I’m all goo md who cares, finish up and start leaving. A cop car pulls up out front so I turn around go to hop the back fence and another one is just chillin. Idk if you know anything about VPD but Mac Dre wasn’t lying when he said the biggest gangsters are on the VPD i don’t care what I did I’ll forever run from them hahah. Anyway I end up in a dumpster cover myself up with trash bags, most disgusting shit ever, besides this tunnel in San Louis Obispo but that’s a story for another time. I remember maggots crawling around and I hear one of the cops go “I know your in there don’t make me come and drag you out”. At this point I’m all in so I’m thinkin “bitch you better come in here and get me”. A couple hours pass and they never did, I was nervous as fuck poking my head out to see if I was good. Popped out walked home like nothing ever happened.

8. What advice would you give writers who are just starting out in the graff game? 

To all the upcoming writers, don’t make an ig lol. Nah but seriously just do you and everything will come with it. You can’t be perfect in this game, you’ll never please everyone. As long as your content with what your doing thats all that matters. There will always be someone hating on you whether it’s some random stranger or your closest homie jealousy and envy are always a factor. Sometimes you gotta feed your best friend with a long spoon ya know. Watch out for the snakes and people that want to eat off your plate. People will watch you starve then hold their hand out when your eatin. Never back down ever, under any circumstance. Never leave ya boy behind. If you said it or did it you gotta stand on your decision. I always say consequences don’t makes decisions for me but know what comes with your actions and be smart. And like my big homies told me, don’t let nobody call you no bitch, or punk, get over on you anything like that and this goes without saying, don’t be a snitch. 

9. Do you have any upcoming projects you want to plug or anyone you want to give a shout out to?

The only project I’m working on is myself and my art. Everybody has their demons and Its a full time job just keeping myself together sometimes lol. Putting on for my crew is No. 1 objective right now. Shoutout to everybody I mentioned in this interview, Dmoe, Bekue, Noner, y’all forever have my gratitude for giving me my start and teaching me to be a man. Shoutout All My Dubs and everyone in Up trying to make WKT ya’ll got this, everybody in my crew who I’ve met so far and those I haven’t, every chapter is doing their thing right now all across the country. Hi Opres! (Inside joke). Shoutout my boy Gover a big inspiration in getting things done for me as well as for giving me the opportunity to be in UP and prove myself. Free all the goons, especially my guy Gotem, you know we got you. And to Avoe also. And lastly to all the dead homies, the fallen soldiers, the ones I met and didn’t, the ones that last before I was coming around or since I have been. Rip Keep, Ymig, Prada, Ukon, Terms, Ceks, Mr, Lazer, Hint, 4sho, Kalso, Ants, Denny Bo and Rip Flunk TFN WRC, and RIP Ghost51! Sorry if I missed anyone we keep it lit for all you, we miss you, but the World Keeps Turning.
Stay tuned to the blog for more interviews, product reviews and everything related to graffiti culture! Follow us on Instagram @derp_taggz and give Bop a follow @sockemboper as well! Thanks for reading!