Derp Taggz Graff Life

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Artist Interview with Ether One

1. What do you write and where are you from?

 I write Ether Or Ether One, I was Born and raised in Hayward, Ca. Heart Of the Bay [Bay Area, CA] but have lived a bit of everywhere. 
2. Is there a story behind how you got your graffiti name? Did you have previous names?

I got the Name Ether From A Buddy Of Mine “Bids” who was Giving Me ideas for a name change  in 2002....I started My Graff Career In 2000 writing “Yobtaf” 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️ and Cut it short to “Taf” in 2001.....he tried to get me to write “Boil” cuz I was always a hot boy when painting but I wasn’t feeling it so he through out the Name Ether And it just stuck, I have OCD [Obsessive Compulsive Disorder] so the symmetry of the name worked in my favor 🤷🏽‍♂️ 

3. How long have you been doing graffiti and how has the scene changed over the time you've been involved?

I’ve been writing Since 1999 just fuck’n around writing “Recker” and using house paint in a tunnel near my house but really got into it 2000 so I base my career from there! A lot has changed since then some for the better and some for the worse but a lot of these writers come and go and have fall outs but the ones who can’t shake the urge or feeling and still are out there get’n it really have my respect ...the internet has helped with publicizing art and graff...but has taken away from the lifestyle in a way when you use to have to actually get off your ass and walk the tracks to see who’s up! 

4. Do you have any epic stories from being out painting that you could tell the readers?

Oh Man the epic stories go on for days so many close calls crazy nights and fun times I wouldn’t trade for the time in Oakland I was hittin' a fill in a freeway exit sign hanging off the bridge with a buddy of mine as a look out standing on the bridge when a cop stopped on the freeway and another one pulling up on the bridge. The cop down below hit the spot light and got out his car and yelled what are you doing up there dumbass, I through the can at him hopped up and we booked 'em the opposite way that  we parked the car....the police on top jumped out and the pursuit was on....we ran into the bushes and down to the side of the freeway hoping a fence with the officer right behind us....took one look and my boy and ran across the freeway stopping in the middle and laughing at the cop who refused to play frogger with us! We ran across the other side hit a fence and flipped 'em off literally jumping in our car while they stared from across 10 lanes! I’ll remember that for the rest of my life!

5. Who have been some of your main influences as far as style and people you have painted with? Do you have a favorite brand of paint you like to use?

Everyone’s a influence really I get ideas and inspiration from everywhere and to be honest I really haven’t painted with a lot of people I kinda do my own thing and just use graffiti as an output but definitely get a lot of push from those around me.

6. Are you in any crews or do you prefer to paint alone? If so, why do you like to aint solo and if not what do you like about being in a crew?

 I’m not in any crews I used to be In “DMA” witch stood for “Defeat My Alias” “Dark Missions Accomplished” or “Dirty Mans Art” but the crew fell off and people went there separate ways in 2004. After that I decided to write solo and do it for me which I definitely prefer these days. As for spray paint I will always be old school and use Rusto’s unless doing characters or crazy outline colors then I prefer Montana 94 in that case 

7. What advice would you give writers who are just starting out in graffiti? 

Just quit now 🤣🤣🤣 Jk Jk stick with one starts out amazing but if the passion is there don’t quit....there’s highs and lows to this game but it’s a great output opposed to other habits that can easily be a lot more destructive in life! 

8.What is your opinion on characters vs letters? Do you prefer one to the other when looking at the walls around town?

I definitely prefer Letters as they are classic to the graffiti name but characters give a lot of life to art and the letters if that makes sense....but after doing letters for so many years you want to add to your pieces and characters come into it....characters are one of my favorite things to do these days honestly....letters feel like a job sometimes and its just muscle memory at this point as characters get my brain running on how I can Incorporate 'em into my pieces! 

9. Who is doing it big in your area right now? Who have you seen consistently active lately? Any favorites? 

Some of my favorite artists are; Sugah of course ,Chek BMB, Plant Trees, Soak TIO, Revok MSK and Post VSOP. Chek has been active since I started my career and never slowed down and for that I tip my hat [to him]! 

10. Do you have any upcoming projects you want to plug or anybody that you want to give a shout out to?

I Don’t Really Have Any Big Projects coming up. Just a few Art shows and commissions I kinda just see a spot and if it talks to me it’s like I need to catch it.....I have been having some fun doing bigger pieces during the daytime and acting like it’s a legal wall witch is always fun and gives a lil adrenaline to veins which keeps me going! 

Stay tuned into the blog for more artist interviews, product reviews and all other aspects of graffiti culture. Make sure to go and follow Ether on instagram @thee_angler and be sure to follow us @derp_taggz and thank you for reading and for supporting the graffiti community! 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Artist Interview with Boper WKT UP
1. What do you write and where are you from?

I write Boper WKT UP, I’m from the V, Vallejo California! 707 North Bayer. The East Bay has definitely become like a second home for me though, I’m out there more than the North Bay it seems like these days.

2. How did you decide on a name to use for graffiti?

I’m super indecisive when it comes to just about anything. I didn’t really choose my name it was sort of given to me. Back in like 2008ish I was like 13 going through my rocker kid/skater phase and I was at a skatepark in Benicia Ca, this older dude comes up to me and tell me I look like a lil scenie bopper, like a scene kid. I told my older homegirls about it and they thought it was the cutest thing so the name sort of just stuck, when I started writing I said fuck it I’m Boper.

3. How long have you been doing graffitti and how has the scene changed since you began?

I’ve been doing graffiti on and off since 2008 just tagging on shit. I saw my older friends doing it and said fuck it I can do it just like them, I felt like I had something to prove. Started taking it more seriously around 2010-2014 actually going out with my big homies and spraying shit. I had a few people I know pass away during that time period and I wasn’t doing it for the love of art or even Graff. I just figured I wouldn’t live to long myself and wanted to get as up as I could so I’d always be there, my friends would always have me around. The love for graffiti and art came later. 

The scene between when I first painted Oakland/SF in 2013 or the Bay Area in general has without a doubt changed. For one everyone does it now, everybody’s a writer apparently (thanks ig). Before anyone with a big name were almost like these godly, legendary figures atleast to a kid like me. Now with social media you can reach out to anyone, your only a person or two away from knowing anybody, or trying to anyway. You have funk, hit em on ig, wanna dick ride, hit em on ig. Things were more mysterious before. Also then gentrification of SF that slowly spread throughout the East Bay, and is becoming more apparent in the North Bay everyday. The same people that will call the cops on you for spraying will cash out for a canvas from a street artist. There’s a lot of people wanting to cash in on the culture.

4. Is grafffiti the only art you do or do you also dabble in other mediums? If so which ones?

I’ll sometimes paint characters on canvas or something when I feel like I need to draw something besides letters for a while, I tried getting into photorealistic drawing a little bit and did a few things but letters, letters will always be my thing, my go to.
5. Who have been some of your main inspirations over the years as far as graffiti goes?

All my big homies first off. My boy use to write Lier, he was AMCK briefly and writes Dmoe now, taught me a lot of what I know, was one of the first guys to take me out to paint and influenced my styles probably more than anyone. My boys Bekue TFN WRC, Noner BTR. Hint (Rip) who was one of the nicest humblest guys I’ve met aside from Kava. Hint would always call and check in even though I honestly didn’t know him all that well, I met him through Naver and he’d always tell me just keep painting with the homies you’ll be crew in no time. Glad I was given the chance to make that a reality. My Crew, WKT! The AMC’s The UND’s, Keep in particular. TFN crew for sure, all of them. 

6. Who do you see out getting active in the bay right now? Who are some of your favorites?

It’s hard to choose especially with so many writers these days and so many people killin it. I can’t really speak on SF since I’m just starting to try and get my foot in the door in that scene. As far as Oakland to Sacramento, my boys Berg 45 and Gover off top, everywhere. Suenos, Steak, Thor, Ishue, Cumrag, Poplock, Cesoh, Baer & Gkode, Stax and Ion, Fells for sure, The homie Luni, Camel & Baby, you’ll catch Ceaver tags in every city. I can name names forever the list goes on and on, I’m a little biased because my crew will always be my favorite I think they all kill it and are forever my favorites, User, Shear, Enuf, Rukoe stay killin it and that just to name a few. 

7. Do you have any epic or crazy stories from doing graffiti that you want to tell us about?

The craziest can never be spoken on hahah. Some of the most epic I’d have to say are the chases whether your doing the dash on the cops or runnin down a hater. There’s one that will always stick with me. I was doing my first fill in ever by myself in Vallejo in some school on this fence, I’m thinkin I’m all goo md who cares, finish up and start leaving. A cop car pulls up out front so I turn around go to hop the back fence and another one is just chillin. Idk if you know anything about VPD but Mac Dre wasn’t lying when he said the biggest gangsters are on the VPD i don’t care what I did I’ll forever run from them hahah. Anyway I end up in a dumpster cover myself up with trash bags, most disgusting shit ever, besides this tunnel in San Louis Obispo but that’s a story for another time. I remember maggots crawling around and I hear one of the cops go “I know your in there don’t make me come and drag you out”. At this point I’m all in so I’m thinkin “bitch you better come in here and get me”. A couple hours pass and they never did, I was nervous as fuck poking my head out to see if I was good. Popped out walked home like nothing ever happened.

8. What advice would you give writers who are just starting out in the graff game? 

To all the upcoming writers, don’t make an ig lol. Nah but seriously just do you and everything will come with it. You can’t be perfect in this game, you’ll never please everyone. As long as your content with what your doing thats all that matters. There will always be someone hating on you whether it’s some random stranger or your closest homie jealousy and envy are always a factor. Sometimes you gotta feed your best friend with a long spoon ya know. Watch out for the snakes and people that want to eat off your plate. People will watch you starve then hold their hand out when your eatin. Never back down ever, under any circumstance. Never leave ya boy behind. If you said it or did it you gotta stand on your decision. I always say consequences don’t makes decisions for me but know what comes with your actions and be smart. And like my big homies told me, don’t let nobody call you no bitch, or punk, get over on you anything like that and this goes without saying, don’t be a snitch. 

9. Do you have any upcoming projects you want to plug or anyone you want to give a shout out to?

The only project I’m working on is myself and my art. Everybody has their demons and Its a full time job just keeping myself together sometimes lol. Putting on for my crew is No. 1 objective right now. Shoutout to everybody I mentioned in this interview, Dmoe, Bekue, Noner, y’all forever have my gratitude for giving me my start and teaching me to be a man. Shoutout All My Dubs and everyone in Up trying to make WKT ya’ll got this, everybody in my crew who I’ve met so far and those I haven’t, every chapter is doing their thing right now all across the country. Hi Opres! (Inside joke). Shoutout my boy Gover a big inspiration in getting things done for me as well as for giving me the opportunity to be in UP and prove myself. Free all the goons, especially my guy Gotem, you know we got you. And to Avoe also. And lastly to all the dead homies, the fallen soldiers, the ones I met and didn’t, the ones that last before I was coming around or since I have been. Rip Keep, Ymig, Prada, Ukon, Terms, Ceks, Mr, Lazer, Hint, 4sho, Kalso, Ants, Denny Bo and Rip Flunk TFN WRC, and RIP Ghost51! Sorry if I missed anyone we keep it lit for all you, we miss you, but the World Keeps Turning.
Stay tuned to the blog for more interviews, product reviews and everything related to graffiti culture! Follow us on Instagram @derp_taggz and give Bop a follow @sockemboper as well! Thanks for reading!

Friday, May 28, 2021

IshGoods Clothing (Review)

    I recently bought a package from ishue, if you are in Oakland and are not struggling with your sight, you’ve seen it. IshGoods is his company and I was happy to see some very unique and aesthetically pleasing designs. It wasn’t the same old t shirt with a hand style on it or a throwie on it. As much as I have bought shirts like this over the years, it’s nice to see something new. Though if you want to keep it traditional, Ishue has you covered there as well.

    I was also very happy that each order comes with a sticker pack. If you keep up with my Instagram and my blog then you already know I’m a sticker collector, I have a large collection, dm me for trades and I like filling my black book with new shit. Well IshGoods did not disappoint! There was a bunch of great stickers from classic USPS tagged labels to very creative printed vinyl stickers. A nice variety of names as well and definitely had a couple of grails in the pack, which for us sticker collectors is a big ass deal! If you know then you know.

    The shirt itself is nicely screen printed on very comfortable fabric. They have bigger sizes in stock and I like my clothes baggy so that’s always a major positive for me. The design on the shirt I got is like nothing I own, and few of my other graffiti shirts hold a candle to it as far as creativity. It has not faded in the washing machine nor has it shrunk, again a big deal when you like your clothes baggy. I’m not just gassin either, I wear this shirt all of the time. When I got some more spare cash I plan to buy more and you can check my other reviews, that’s the first time I’ve guaranteed a buy.

    When I asked Ishue if I could write this review, he decided to send me a second t shirt and another sticker pack for free to include in this article. That’s love from a company for sure, I always appreciate companies that are invested in themselves. Especially so much so that they don’t mind giving away a shirt in exchange for good publicity. So I already enjoyed Ish Goods’ products, but now I also very much respect their business model and dedication to their company. That kind of thing takes confidence on the part of a small business owner.

    The second shirt I received was just as awesome as the one I bought. Even more so. Not only did it have the same attributes I enjoyed about the first shirt, it had an even better graphic. I’m a big fan of Robert Deniro and the movie Taxi Driver and that was the theme of the graphic on this particular shirt. I was super stoked when I saw it. The second sticker pack was also just as dope as the first one I received. More Ishue stickers to put up, but also a bunch of hand drawn personalized stickers to my account on Instagram! I was very happy to see those and also very appreciative of the personal touch added to the package.

    The shipping was fast on both orders. I appreciated this as I like to get what I pay for when it comes to shipping. And speaking of prices, they are reasonable, especially when they give you a free product, but I think this product will get much more popular and thus more expensive. I would highly recommend this to a friend. So make sure and get yours today!!!

Follow Ishue and IshGoods on Instagram @ishgoods.pdf and be sure to follow us @derp_taggz and @derp_taggz2 (since IG decided to keep shadow banning my original account). Make sure to keep reading the blog for more reviews, artist interviews and graffiti culture. We appreciate your support!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Method Makers Podcast Review & Interview

I recently began listening to The Method Makers podcast and was pleasantly surprised. Finally a graffiti podcast that has some decent content. Their in depth artist interviews are very interesting and have no trouble holding my attention for hours. This is the type of podcast I cant listen to falling asleep because my mind gets too interested in the podcast.

They have picked some dope artists to interview and it is very enjoyable learning about their lives and their backgrounds in art and graffiti. The Method Makers collective have made a lot of dope stuff over the years and have many projects in the mix, but this podcast is by far one of my favorites. I would highly recommend this podcast to all and anybody interested in graffiti. But I would also recommend it for people who are interested in all types of art and in eccentric personalities. Or if you want to hear some good stories. This podcast has it all!

1. Who are The Method Makers and how did you guys get started together?

We are a world-wide community of artists that create and collaborate with other artists, businesses, and organizations for social change.

A Method Maker is a talented, compassionate individual that is a community leader, striving to create a positive impact with the work that they do. 

Method Makers strive for the freedom creative of expression. We support this in various visual and audio art forms. The range of art consists of (but is not limited to) illustration, fine art, tattoo art, sign painting, graffiti, street art, graphic design, photography, film, video production, and music. 

As our network continues to expand, our mediums covered does as well. For example culinary art - our artists support many local restaurants around the world and occasionally you will see one of our curators post from the establishment in support for their business.

Our history:

The Method Makers (TMM) began in 2012 with a fundraiser for World Bicycle Relief - peep the video: LAABC

We were founded by 3 creatives who have backgrounds in photography, writing, cinematic story telling, & design of various forms (apparel, graphic, interior, exterior, and web design.) 
Our original founders have done many creative projects collectively over the past 21 years - from running a gallery in San Francisco at the Hotel Des Arts (Peep the #TMMSecretShow

Link to the Flyer:

International Art Shows in Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines:

And Homecoming Street Art and Graffiti Tour of the Philippines with the original #NoseBleedKrew GATS, Ernest Doty, Basic Lee, & Thee Oner. 
The Original #TMMPI has details which you can peep here:

Since 2012 we’ve been expanding our network of #MethodMakers around the world. 

Today the Method Makers is a Global Community supported by many artists that have put in time and effort to be down with the crew/family/movement for positive social change through creativity. 

2. When did you have an idea to begin a podcast?

Really we wanted to start doing one in 2018. Swoon was going to be our first guest after meeting her for the first time at Chandran Gallery in San Francisco. 

A lot of unfortunate life circumstances arose between then and the middle of the pandemic - Summer 2020. 

There was a tipping point when one of our curators began working with a business coach to help work out the details of how to get things back on track. Ideas created in Method Made Design Lab became the basis of the launch of Method Makers Podcast with the intention of exposing where @MethodMakers artists’ creativity comes from. 

Did you always know you wanted to discuss graffiti?

We always supported the work of Graffiti Artists along with the other forms of visual art mentioned. Naturally would want to have a platform to tell their stories. 

3. Do you guys also write yourselves? How long have you been involved in graff culture overall?

Yes. Our community of Method Makers consists of so many types of artists. 

If you’re asking about writers - graffiti writers, GATS, Doty, EKOSE, EXLD - those are some of the longest Method Makers that write. Their experience is over 20 years each. Add the # of artists we have that write all over the world. The # is almost exponential in terms of years part of the culture - easily over 100 years when adding everyone’s experience in the culture together.

The Method Makers are a community of artists.

Me - I’m just one curator. I cannot speak for myself as I represent an entire community. It wouldn’t be fair. 

We are a family.There is little or no ego in what we do. 

We express our freedom to create in all that we do. Mine happens to be writing today. Writing you the answers to this interview that is. = )

4. Are you planning on interviewing artists from all over the country or the world or just from a specific area? How will that work for your podcast?

Yes. This season we did an interview with Stefano Alcantara, an accomplished tattoo & gallery artist from Peru. He is one of 10 artists that are in our current exhibit that will be launched on the Method Made Design Lab’s virtual art gallery that is part of the Method Makers Podcast Season 1. Peep the #TMMDLSocialDistance hashtag for details on the other artists that are in the show.

Future seasons, yes we have this planned with some of the Method Makers in other countries. Details on this cannot be shared at this time as they are still a WIP. Follow us on @MethodMakersPodcast @MethodMakers to learn more.

5. Have you noticed many other graffiti podcasts? I haven’t seen too many myself.

As a creative community, we listen to a lot of different podcasts. Specifically graffiti here are a few we like that could be a good start:

My Life In Letters

Vantage Point Radio

Angel And Z Podcast

Other Podcasts that in general we love, that have a positive impact, and that the Method Makers have a strong connection with:

Method Supply Podcast

Pirate Utopia:

Dope Podcasts that folks should just listen to because they can help others improve/think deeply about how the understand art, design, music, and business in general:

TED Talks Art:

Business Of Hype:

Broken Record:

How I built this:

6. Where can we hear your show

Our website has a link:


Link to our Anchor Page:

Were pretty much on every platform that you can listen to a podcast:


Apple Podcast:

Google Podcast:

Pocket Casts:

Radio Public:

Breaker Audio:

What do you guys have planned for 2021?

Method Makers Podcast Season 2 will be released in late Feb/March. The show will have a combination of Museum artists, graffiti writers, train moniker artists, small business owners, story tellers, other visual and acoustic artists. 
Some notable guests include:

Hugh Leeman

The others we cannot mention as they are in process of recording or in post production currently. 

The Method Makers @MethodMakers and Method Made Design Lab: @MethodMade  are working on a joint venture to release #TMMDLSocialDistance  as a virtual gallery show where you’ll be able to buy the works of art from all artists in @MethodMakersPodcast season 1. Additional artists that have work that will be released and are part of the #TMMDLSocialDistance event include: GATS, Ernest Doty, and Basic Lee.

More solo shows with @MethodMakers x @MethodMade, a big group show in the summer with (with luck and divine timing) all artists their own episode on @MethodMakersPodcast.

Catch more details by visiting

All of this while also trying to continue to have a positive impact on society with the work we do!



Keep coming back to our blog for more interviews and reviews of everything Graffiti. Follow us on Instagram @derp_taggz for some dope flicks!