Derp Taggz Graff Life

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Krime Guys Comics (Review)

The Krime Guys comics by Vin Vert are by far some one of the most creative efforts I've seen come out of Bay Area graffiti. The storyline is unique, the art is amazing and has that graff head style. You can tell a lot of time and effort and thought were put into these comic books and I hope there are more to come. Especially since I've now read issues one through three and want to see how the story continues. 

The comics follow two writers living in an Oakland being taken over by Techies, which is basically the Oakland we all live in. And it follows the daily struggle of bombing, avoiding the police and eventually kicking some major ass. While some of this can only happen in cartoons and comics, the overall narrative is something any Bay Area graffiti writer would be able to relate to. We have all noticed the rise in out oft towner techies and the rise of the police state. We all know about the new ways in which we are all being watched by the proverbial Big Brother. Reading about two writers doing their best to take down the system and bomb everything while doing so was very enjoyable for me. And I would recommend these comic books not just to graff heads, but anyone interested in a good story and some dope art.

I encourage all of you to check out the Krime Guy's web site and go get ahold of these comics before stock runs out. These are going to be collectors items one day and a piece of Oakland graffiti memorabilia that you want in your collection of black books, stickers, etc. Vin Vert is very talented and I'm looking forward to his next projects and more installments of the Krime Guys comics! Hopefully I will get a chance to review more of their stuff, so make sure you stay tuned and thanks for reading!!! 

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